Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki is an anime series created by Kajishima Masaki and animated by AIC. It consists of 4 ova series and is currently 23 episodes long with the 24th episode releasing next month. The 4th ova series began releasing on November 30, 2016 and it's fourth and final episode will release on August 30, 2017. (edit: Episode 4 of ova 4 was delayed until September 13)
As always here's the synopsis, this time from MAL: "Tenchi Masaki was a normal 17-year-old boy until the day he accidentally releases the space pirate, Ryoko from a cave she was sealed in 700 years ago as the people thought she was a demon. In a series of events, four other alien girls show up at the Masaki household as Tenchi learns much of his heritage he never knew about and deal with five alien girls who each have some sort of romantic interest in him."
As always here's the synopsis, this time from MAL: "Tenchi Masaki was a normal 17-year-old boy until the day he accidentally releases the space pirate, Ryoko from a cave she was sealed in 700 years ago as the people thought she was a demon. In a series of events, four other alien girls show up at the Masaki household as Tenchi learns much of his heritage he never knew about and deal with five alien girls who each have some sort of romantic interest in him."
Unlike with Renai Boukun or Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? there isn't a need to tell you why I think this series will get a harem ending because its creator has already confirmed it. On the right is a picture of Kajishima's envisioned harem ending from the doujin Chosen Ame Ver. 3.0 released in 1993. While Tenchi's current harem looks a bit different from that picture the harem ending itself hasn't changed. The problem here isn't whether or not the series gets a harem ending, but whether it gets an ending at all.
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki has had a rough history. The first ova released from 1992 to 1993, and the second ova followed shortly after releasing from 1994 to 1995. By 1995 the franchise had become quite popular, but AIC and the series producer Pioneer decided that instead of making ovas they would make tv series, which are cheaper to produce. It wasn't until 2003 that the third ova started to release. It wasn't without its hiccups though. Between the 3rd and 4th episodes of ova 3, the 16th and 17th episodes overall, there was a 6 month delay. Subsequent episodes felt very rushed and from the afterward of Kajishima's Omake Ban doujin it seems the ova was canceled. The 3rd ova ended in 2005 and that was the last we would see of the Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki anime for more than a decade.
Kajishima has been releasing doujinshi for his series since the 90's, and while the anime was on hold, he continued to release doujinshi related to Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki at both summer and winter Comiket each year. In 2013 Kajishima released the first Tenchi Muyou! -If- doujin. These doujins showed off 2-3 of Tenchi's daughters as they grew up and eventually married one of, Tenchi Muyou! GXP protagonist, Seina's sons. These doujins were intended to be storyboards for a future anime project. In March of 2015, Kajishima released a doujin titled Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki 4? which contained storyboards for what Kajishima intended for ova 4. Later that year ova 4 was officially announced.
Fast forward to today and ova 4 is almost over. 3 of the 4 episodes have been released, but so far the ova has mainly focused on stuff that was skimmed over in ova 3, as well as tying in with the Tenchi Muyou! GXP light novels and the Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari anime. The 4th episode is shaking that up though. From the information released we know there will be a time skip in episode 4 to around when the Omake Ban doujin takes place. In Omake Ban we see Tenchi has become quite intimate with his harem, so presumably, they will start having kids soon.
The problem lies with whether we get a 5th ova or not. Before ova 4 was even released it was said that there was enough content for a 5th ova and the Blu Ray sale have been decent, but with the series' rocky past there is no guarantee. However, I'm hopeful that with the franchise's 25th anniversary swiftly approaching they will announce ova 5, and we'll finally see the harem ending Kajishima has been planning for two decades.
Here are links to the Omake Ban and -If- doujins. Beware that they are hosted on E-Hentai and Omake Ban is pretty explicit.
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