Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? is a light novel series written by Takehaya, illustrated by Poco, and published by Hobby Japan. The series is currently 28 volumes long and received a 12 episode anime in 2014 adapting the first 7 volumes.
Here is the synopsis from J-Novel Club: "Just starting high school, Koutarou is moving out on his own to take some of the burden off of his widower father. Lucky for him, he’s found a room at Corona House. It has a great landlord, it’s not too far from school, and best of all, it’s dirt cheap. It really is perfect... except for the strange girls that keep appearing to try and take it over! But even as room 106 turns into a battlefield, Koutarou isn’t willing to give up his apartment without a good fight. The invasion begins!"
A big aspect of this series is how Koutarou and his harem feel more like a family than just another bland harem mc and the girls lusting after him. So not only do the girls grow closer to Koutarou, but they grow closer to each other throughout the series as well. They started off as enemies, but as the series progressed than began to enjoy their time together. Now they are working together to preserve that peaceful time in room 106.
As the girls' relationships with each other progress and their feelings for Koutarou become romantic we're starting to see them agree to share him. The part I'm referring to is when the characters Sanae and Kiriha are at an amusement park with Koutarou. While the two of them are on a ride together they start talking about the possibility of Koutarou choosing one girl from the harem. Sanae proposes that if Koutarou chooses either of them that they should share with the other, and Kiriha agrees and mentions that they should discuss this with the rest of the harem.
Koutarou himself isn't too keen on choosing a girl. Koutarou's friend Mackenzie proposed that he should score each girl he's interested in, with a score of 100 being someone you would want to marry. Koutarou scored each girl in his harem and each of them ended up with a score of over 300.
Another reason why a harem end is possible is that the "girls" might not be girls at all, but one girl. In the first volume we're introduced to a girl who has only appeared a handful of times after. One of the times the girl (pictured above) has appeared is when members of the harem fused using magic. She is usually seen with nine orbs floating around her but during the fusions, the number of orbs matches the number of girls fused together. In volume 12 the characters Yurika an Harumi fuse, and there were two orbs floating around. During this fusion, the girl refers to both Yurika and Harumi as herself, and once separated neither Yurika or Harumi can recall anything. We already know this girl is a goddess, so it's been theorized that she split herself into nine different girls in order to increase her chances of ending up with Koutarou.
This series has definitely been hinting towards a harem end, but with how much the characters love their peaceful days in room 106 I could see it ending without much change in their relationship. Volume 26, the 28th volume overall, released earlier this month, and it seems to be approaching the end. So we should know whether or not Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? gets a harem end pretty soon.
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